A few weeks ago, in the depths of self-isolation, we at Stockton had a “SREA Fridge Challenge.” The goal was to clean out our refrigerators and see who had the oldest expired product. What a revelation! Some of our refrigerators held items that were more than two years old (what can I say- I eat out a lot- or used to, anyway)!

While our Fridge Challenge was a fun diversion from current events, it pointed out the need to measure our resources, put our house in order, keep things fresh, and prepare for the future.

We’ve all had nearly six weeks to re-orient, re-focus, and ponder where we fit in in the grand scheme of life, relationships (personal and business), needs, and wants. The adversity and struggles we’ve faced offer a unique richness of experience, opportunity for reflection, and call to action: Who do we want to be in this world? How do we act toward others? What does the best version of ourselves look like?

At Stockton, we are committed to core beliefs of supporting each other, placing our clients’ objectives above all else, and seeking a positive, rewarding outcome in all of our interactions. As glimmers of hope percolate and the possibility grows of returning to life somewhat as we knew it, now is the time for all of us to take stock of our world, re-commit to the fundamentals of life and business, celebrate our determination to triumph over the COVID scourge, and prepare for the future we want to have.

Wishing you health and success in every way!

We will strive to periodically provide personal viewpoints and observations authored by various Stockton teammates. The preceding was an “Op-Ed” by our own, Jim Paterno. We at Stockton would like to hear your perspectives and experiences in response. Your contribution to the discussion would be appreciated!

In Other Stockton News…

Stockton Real Estate Advisors would like to recognize their Property Management and Maintenance Team for its hard work and dedication during this public health crisis.

When they aren’t doing research on the most up to date directives from state authorities or guidance from CDC, they are implementing recommended protocols (and some of their own) with the health and safety of our tenants and visitors front of mind.

We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Here is a video of our fantastic engineering team – Justin and Steve – showing new safety protocols that have been implemented at 1760 Market Street.

Faucet with sign behind it

Please call us with any questions or concerns you might have. Even if you’re not currently using Stockton as your property manager, we are here as an additional resource during this unique time in all of our lives.

Contact Property Management:
Guy Pierce

Community and volunteerism are an integral part of Stockton’s core values, especially now, more than ever. Stockton would like to thank our ‘essential’ staff that have remained hard at work to safeguard our buildings.

Stockton would also like to recognize the following members of our extended Stockton family who have worked tirelessly on the front lines:

Steve Craig Detective at Springfield Township Police

Heather Fitcher Parole Supervisor at Bucks County Adult Probation

Sam Gallen Chief of Detectives at Montgomery County Detective Bureau

Kyle Gallen Police Officer at Upper Dublin Township Police

Pam Howard Program Director at Montgomery County Behavioral/Mental Health

Ryan Meehan EMT at Warrington Ambulance

Lauren Molitor Nurse at Kalamazoo Hospital

Dr. Sage Myers, MD, MSCE ER Doctor at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Dr. Jeanette Paterno Doctor and COVID response support at St. Luke’s Warren Hills Family Practice